7 1/2″ Composition 1963 Pieter from Spaarndam, Holland from the World Wide Doll Club. The doll would oringinally belong to Clara Sacino of Chicago, Illinois.
The doll came with the following information letter: “Kleine vriendi! I am Pieter, the boy who kept his finger in the dike hole all night long to save his village! You see, our little country is about as big as your Maryland. Beause Holland is below sea level, centuries ago Dutch settlers made a big dike to hold back the sea and used windmills to pump away the water, and so today we have many beauiful villages and even modern cities. But once in awhile big floods threaten our town, like the one which almost broke our dike!
But that was long ago, and now I simply enjoy life by going to school, helping my father on his fishing boat and riding my bike.Everyone rides bikes here, children and grown ups alike. We have special bicycle roads and there are even bicycle cloakrooms in places like restaurants, where they hang up bikes just like coats!
My Spaarndam costume, especially the baggy pantaloons, is ideal for bicycling, through I must confess the wooden clogs are clumsy, but I hear your American shoes are perfect for bicycling and you can even wear them in the house! So I am anxious to learn your ways as fast as I can! Tot ziens!”
I purchased the doll in 2008 from a seller in Locust Valley, New York.