19 1/2″ Cloth Russian 18th Century Arkhangel Russian Lady by Valentina Maksimova. The doll came with the following information:
” Russian handpainted Maksimova Valentina dolls-These cloth dolls designed by Maksimova Valentina have been awarded the status of National Artistic Handcraft of Russia. They have been made with ecologically pure fabric and each are an exclusive edition. Your doll is wearing a holiday costume representing the Arkhangel Region from the 18th Century. Her colorful yellow gold sarafan is accented by Volga lace with silk trimming. The white blouse is decorated with matching fabric. All beading, earrings, and necklaces are done in intricate pearls and glass. Her costume is completed with a handkerchief in hand and high red boots. Atlantis MarketingCo. Inc.-5437 Spalding Dr.- Norcross, Georgia 30092 (770-903-1251).”
Arkhangle is a regional center in Northwestern Russia, l0cated on the banks of the Northern Dvina river near it inflow into the White Sea, about 1100 km to the north of Moscow and about 1500 km northeast of Saint Petersburg.
I purchased the doll in 2009 from a seller in Westiminster, Colorado.