Julia Gardiner Tyler

First lady Tyler-First Lady Tyler Side-First Lady Tyler Back-16″ Vinyl Julia Gardiner Tyler from Brinn’s American Tradition First Lady Gown Series. The doll came with the following information:” Julia Gardiner Tyler: 1820-1889. Administation: John Tyler (1841-1845), who was the first President to marry in office in 1844 after his first wife, an invalid died in the White House. Julia Tyler was 30 years younger than the President and reigned as First Lady  for the last 8 months of her husband’s term. Her gown was worn in 1841 at the French Court. It is made of sheer white mull, and the bodice and three flounces of the skirt were embroidered with sleeves thread and pastel flower design. The doll was released in 1988 and I purchased her in 2009.