10″ & 13″ Cloth Eskimo Couple. The dolls came with the following information: ” A brief history of the Eskimo: Eskimos are found in Alaska, Siberia, Greenland and they in igloos and are great hunters of polar bears and walrus. Their outer garments consist of fur parka and mucklucs (shoes). There are six well-known tribes namely: WeeWaks, Anneyiks, Koogah, Inalb, Gootah, and Tookaleekee los. They live mostly on fishing and hunting. A typical Eskimo boy’s name is Nainuk (meaning polar bear hunter). A typical girl’s name is Monak (meaning morning star). Unlike our American children, their greatest delicacies are a piece of fat and blubber oil from the whale, which is a great treat and children eat it like candy.”
I purchased the pair at the Doll Haven in Youngstown, Arizona in 1994.